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推荐最近最火的赌博软件 awarded $3.8 million to support medical services for people living with HIV/AIDS

推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Medical University has been awarded $3.从纽约州卫生部拨款800万美元,用于加强和扩大纽约州推荐最近最火的赌博软件为年轻人提供的三项不同服务, women and all people living with HIV/AIDS. 该项目是综合保健服务和儿科传染病司的一个合资项目.

SUNY Chancellor John B. 王,小., 赞扬了上州的努力:“上州医科大学是医学研究和护理的杰出中心, 这也是纽约州立大学通过创新解决方案克服社会最大挑战的使命的重要组成部分. There are still barriers for those living with HIV/AIDS, especially when it comes to medical treatment. I thank the New York State Department of Health for this $3.8 million investment, which will help 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 enhance and expand HIV/AIDS support services, 同时确保前来接受护理的人得到所需的出色治疗,过上充实和充实的生活."

推荐最近最火的赌博软件 President Mantosh Dewan, MD, praised the 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 team’s work. “来自州卫生部的这笔关键资金使上州能够加强对艾滋病毒/艾滋病感染者的重要医疗保健服务. 我要感谢和支持我们的包容性卫生服务和儿科传染病项目的工作人员,他们为确保这些基本卫生服务仍然是上州使命的一部分而做出的奉献和承诺.”

推荐最近最火的赌博软件 is the premier location to receive care for people living with HIV,” said Elizabeth Asiago-Reddy, MD, division chief of Infectious Disease. “这使我们能够提供持续和增加的支持,以确保人们在一生中都能得到所需的服务.”

The first program funded is 推荐最近最火的赌博软件’s Retention and Adherence Program, which is run though Inclusive Health Services. 该方案旨在改善艾滋病毒/艾滋病感染者的医疗结果,减少新发和/或未经治疗感染的发生率,从而通过旨在解决患者获得护理障碍的服务,减轻整个社区的艾滋病毒负担.

阿西亚戈-雷迪说,这个项目有助于消除艾滋病毒/艾滋病患者在获得治疗和服用艾滋病毒/艾滋病药物以及他们可能遇到的其他健康问题方面可能面临的障碍. 护士病例管理人员帮助病人处理从家庭和心理健康到交通问题的所有事情.

This program works with about 50 clients who are struggling with taking their medications, helps to engage about 100 patients who are newly diagnosed with HIV or transferring care, 并定期检查所有病毒载量升高的患者(每年约100-150例),看看他们是否可以从更强化的支持中受益.

“What we see is that the struggles of an individual are unique to that person and often complex,”她说。. “It is almost never one thing. It is a host of things coming together. 这个项目极大地提高了我们扭转人们健康状况的能力,使他们不仅能够服用艾滋病药物, but to manage their whole health much more effectivity. 这一点非常重要,因为我们知道,服用抗艾滋病药物不仅可以恢复一个人的健康,还可以防止他们通过性行为将艾滋病毒传染给他人.”

Another program supported by the grant funding is the Centers for Young Adults, directed by Leonard B. Weiner, MD, division chief of Pediatric Infectious Disease. 该方案提供多学科综合和以患者为中心的医疗保健和支持服务,以改善青少年和年轻人的医疗保健结果, 年龄在13 -, who are living with HIV. The program is specifically designed to address mental health issues, substance use issues, discrimination, 创伤, 耻辱, and social and racial inequities experienced by BIPOC (Black, 土著, and people of color) LGBTQ+ and historically marginalized adults and young adults living with HIV.

目前,大约有50名感染艾滋病毒的青少年正在接受青少年/青年项目的服务. “这笔赠款资金使我们能够提供以患者为中心的支持服务,以解决感染艾滋病毒的年轻人的独特需求.  我们将能够提供专门护理,以满足对健康和福祉有巨大影响的社会需求,” said Weiner.

最后, 这笔赠款将允许北州通过以家庭为重点的妇女保健方案建立服务. 该诊所为计划怀孕的BIPOC妇女和分娩人员提供多学科综合和以患者为中心的医疗保健和支持服务, currently pregnant or active caregivers to children age 18 or younger and living with HIV. The program will be specifically designed to address discrimination, 创伤, 耻辱 and healthcare, social and racial inequities experienced by BIPOC, LGBTQ+ and historically marginalized women living with HIV.

患者护理的最大变化将是增加各种以家庭为重点的支持服务,包括母乳喂养服务和指导. Reddy said until recently, 艾滋病毒/艾滋病患者被告知不要母乳喂养,但随着人们寿命的延长,他们的病毒载量得到了抑制, that guidance has changed.

“这将使我们能够弄清楚如何为安全母乳喂养提供具体的指导和支持,” Asiago-Reddy said. “It is going to be an outstanding addition to services we already provide.”

Asiago-Reddy said this practice serves about 400 women living with HIV, about half of whom are of childbearing age. Typically, about 10 of our patients living with HIV become pregnant each year.

The Pediatric Infectious Disease division cares for the babies born to women living with HIV. “We are lucky we have been able to nearly eliminate mother to baby transmission of HIV in NYS,” Weiner said.  “这笔拨款将使我们能够为患者及其家属提供公平的资源,继续改善健康状况.”  



“我们最大的增长将是为感染艾滋病毒的育龄妇女提供额外的支持,并更广泛地参与围产期护理计划,为怀孕或哺乳感染艾滋病毒的人提供一揽子服务,” Reddy said.  

“儿科项目将能够提供更多的服务,帮助治疗感染艾滋病毒的年轻人. Additionally, we will be able to gather improved supportive data for all these programs, thus enabling us to better measure our impact,” Weiner said.

For information on access any of these services, 联系包容性保健服务,电话:(315)464-5533或儿科传染病诊所,电话:(315)464-1996.